Things i need
- Camera
- Tripod
The website is being based on Plymouth train station, and I'm trying to make it look as much like an underground station as I can. This I'm doing by carefully selecting the photos I take and use, and the use of appropriate colour schemes.
The webpage itself will have and animated banner across the top, showing a train made from images of Subway sandwiches combined with photographs of trains I took myself. It will also have an animated 'Station Manager', which is something I've already developed. This is another sandwich which has been split down the middle in Photoshop and then animated in Flash s the top half opens and closes like a mouth. This will announce any special offers available. The regular menu and prices will be displayed on a Photoshoped photograph I took of an announcement board at the train station.
The layout of the webpage will consist of an animated banner across the top, with a side bar on the left of the screen with links to other pages, such as the history of the company, nutritional information and special offers.
Site map
Time plan
Web banner (click to view)
You have expressed in very clear terms how you intend to re-design the Subway logo, and have backed up your thoughts with specific and relevant research. However you need to explain in more detail what you intend to depict in the website and you also need to add your production plan and site map for the website.